Geometric 3077, 2019
Geometric 3077, 2019
Christie Owen
acrylic, pencil and resin on baltic birch panel
36 x 36 in
Signed on verso
This piece depicts an abstract composition with the use of mixed media and bold patterns producing a work that is visually textured and rich with layers, as Owen creates an intricate geometric minimalistic composition. Even though this work has a rustic and heavily textured quality, the final result is intended to appear quiet to reflect a more minimal outlook on life and art. Creating a piece that allows us to escape the technological realm, contemplate modern living and nature and then communicate how each domain influences another. Her piece aims to engage the viewer with an emotional and environmental disposition that evokes a sense of balance and tranquility in the modern world. This unique work is executed on 2.5 depth baltic birch panel, and signed and titled by the artist on verso. It can be displayed either horizontally or vertically.